khawarismy collage agreement

Today, Thursday, the National Employment and Training (NET) ,  and Al-Khwarizmi University Technical College (KUTC) , in cooperation with the Technical and Vocational Skills Development Commission TVSDC , signed a cooperation agreement at the Al-Khwarizmi College building.
The agreement was signed on behalf of the National Company by General Manager, Brig. General Fouad Ali Al-Ayasra, and on behalf of Al-Khwarizmi College, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Muhammad Amin Al-Qaddoumi, and Head of the Technical and Vocational Skills Development Commission Prof. Dr. Qais Safasfah

The agreement aims to cooperate in the field of vocational and technical training support, by meeting the requirements of different sectors of qualified human resources, by implementing specialized training programs in line with the national strategy for human resources development, including the Technical Diploma Program, which is one of the technical programs within the education and training system, which It aims to prepare skilled technicians in practical applied fields needed by the labor market.

The agreement aims to implement a pilot program for the English Diplomas Track (PILOT),
with specializations that are in line with the needs of the labor market and are internationally and locally approved.

It is worth noting that NET  seeks, through these agreements, to raise the level of training in line with the needs of the labor market, and in a way that contributes  In preparing and training young people and qualifying them in various fields.